you have to ask yourself who isn’t able to write a support request. The answer, unbelievable but true: a lot of people!
Daily we receive a lot of support tickets and only a few of them are usable. So I decided to create a little guide how to write a support ticket. This helps you, because we can solve the problem faster, and it also helps us, because we do not have to ask for details all the time.
A good example is: “Hello, my speed is slow”, that’s all. Wow, and what should I do now? We have several services like cloud, torrent, usenet, filehosts, vpn, proxy and so on with hundreds of servers in different countries and different service providers. Furthermore speedproblems can have a lot of reasons, e.g. routing problem, server overloaded, network problem, problem on the filehosts side, enabled vpn or proxy which slow down the speed, problem with your internet connection and much more.
Another example (we really often receive this): “All filehosts are not working”. Shall I really think that this user tried all 31 filehosts?! Of course he did not provide a sample link or used tool or any usable information.
So what do we need to know to help you? We recommend always to attach the following information:
- The link to file (especially for filehosts and cloud)
- The download link (e.g. for files from cloud it looks like https://dt103.energycdn.com/dl/ ….)
- The used tool (it is a big difference if you use jDownload, our WebDownloader or our browser addon)
Furtermore if you have a problem with the vpn service please inform us about the protocol you use. We cannot help you if we don’t know if you are using OpenVPN or PPTP (except the server is completely down).
In general we ask you the same question as an emergency operator would do:
Where? — We need to know which service you used
What? — We need to know what the problem is (including links, error messages and everything you have). A detailed description can help us!
When? — We need to know when the problem occured (not so important if you open a support ticket right after the problem occured)
That’s all, isn’t that easy?
And one more: you don’t need to open several tickets with the same problem, it doesn’t go faster. On the contrary, it takes longer because we have to process more tickets. If we detect double tickets, we delete them anyway, so save it! Normally we process tickets within 12 to 24 hours which doesn’t mean that you receive a reply in this period. Sometimes we need to investigate problems, assign tickets to other departments or contact other companies for a solution. But be sure that we are working on your ticket, even you can’t see it.
So, I would like to thank you for your kind attention paid to the reading of this and we invite you to open your next ticket on our helpdesk.
Best regards,
Robert Bauer
Support Manager
imo, I don’t think that people who write that kind of support tickets will read this 🙂
One can only hope 😉
I just signed up for the premiumize account. I also updated the URL Resolver account Num and pin in Kodi. However, I don’t really know what to do next to take advantage of any of the premium features. Can you help?
Thank you.
Hi! Looks like you are using a third party addon, which we cannot support on our website directly. However, I am sure you can find the forum that belongs to the addon. They can help you out. If you give me your customer ID I can double check if your premiumize.me account is in proper order though.
I just read some of your rules about support questions and my recent question may seem cloudy. Basically, I just signed up for your premiumized account and successfully entered my acct num and pin in Kodi. I use Kodi on my Fire tv for streaming movies and TV shows. How can premium help and what is/are torrents and how do I us them. I’m 75 and not as sharp as I used to be. Thank you….Dennus
Hi! Don’t worry, if we received your support ticket, we will answer it. Basically, you need premium for premiumize.me to work at all. We do not have a free subscription or basic free service.
Anyways, if you use premiumize.me in combination with Kodi, it will automatically route your streaming requests through our servers – which will give you more options to stream sources since our servers are located in locations that are not locked out of some streaming sites.
hi, I’m having trouble with the premiumize vpn on my android box. now if i follow the instructions and assign a mirror, once i turn on the vpn through my android box settings, i can no longer access the premiumize site through my browser. I’ve tried the stock browser and chrome and both have the same result.. it tries to load for a while then says error on the network, however, i can search and use the browser for anything else, and works for all other searches..
now if i turn off my rpm through the android settings, then i can go through the motions of linking to a mirror, and can access the premiumize site perfectly, but obviously the vpn is not turned on?!?! any help would be great as this is a new problem of the last few weeks. Thank you
We will update our vpn servers tomorrow. Please open a support ticket if it still not work on Tuesday.
Hola, estoy teniendo una dificultad al generar enlaces de Hitfile.net (cualquiera)
el webdownloader pone “El nombre del archivo no está disponible” ¿a que se debe eso?
Si el problema persiste, por favor contáctese con nuestro atención al cliente. Premiumize.me proporciona soporte sólo en los siguientes idiomas: inglés, alemán, ruso y holandés. Les ruego que lo comprendan.
Guten Tag,
ich habe ein Problem mit Ihrem Produkt und somit verkauften Dienstleistung!
Ich besitze einen Premiummize.me Account mit einem “aktiven” Premium Status.
Mein Problem liegt nun darin, dass bei jedem Filehoster, den ich bisher ausprobiert habe, keiner als Premium erkannt wird…d.h., ich muss immer noch bei allen Accounts Captcha abfragen lösen, dann wird z.B bei Rapidgator.net sowie Uploaded.net ein Free Download mit niedriger Geschwindigkeit gestartet, wenn dieser beendet ist, wird beim nächsten File “Error starting download! Try again later…” angezeigt (Rapidgator.net) und der Download ist unterbrochen! Bei dem Hoster Datei.to wird z.B. der Download bei ca.50% – 80% jedes Mal abgebrochen und in einer Endlosschleife neu gestartet wobei die Datenmenge bei meinem Fair-Use Status exakt abgezogen wird, obwohl keine Datei als fertiger Download auf meinem System landet etc.!
Ich erwarte das Sie sich umgehend mit mir bzgl. der genannten Probleme in Verbindung setzen, damit diese behoben werden und Ihr Produkt wie von Ihnen beworben zu nutzen ist!
So wie es momentan ist, ist es unbrauchbar!
Mit Freundlichen Grüßen,
Hallo, bitte kontaktiere unseren Kundenservice unter help.premiumize.me.