This is a popular topic for obvious reasons. Most people care about their download speed.
Here are a few tips to get the most out of connection.
Know what to expect
Bandwidth math is confusing and usually ISPs straight out lie what they can deliver. Moreover, they might be able to give you full speed towards one part of the country or within their own network, but be completely overwhelmed when you are connecting internationally. Use a reliable speedtest or download this dummy file to know your true, real life download speed.
Increase parallel downloads and not connections
Especially for the filehoster download with we advise against increasing the download connections. We pass them through to third party servers, who in return have quite often a connection limit or abuse limit per IP. We do not want it to trigger. Instead, increase parallel downloads to fill out your own bandwidth potential. 5-10 should do the trick.
Upgrade your NAS or switch off SSL
This is a popular error. NAS Download systems usually run on very weak hardware. SSL encrypted downloads need quite a bit of performance. So, if you feel like being artificially limited, try switching off SSL downloads to relieve stress from your NAS. It will instantly increase download speeds.
Let us know!
Lastly, there is still a chance it is our fault. It might still be a congested datacenter, a wrong network configuration or an almost broken hard drive so that our server just doesn’t perform anymore. Those problems we can either fix or forward to our friends and partners at the datacenter 🙂