Some general CDN updates: We have reworked the CDN once more. The CDN now got a significant hardware upgrade and are now saving files locally. This means we are are moving your most important files a bit more closer to you and are less dependent on international internet connections.
TV Box and Android App Optimisation: We have reworked the timeouts on our CDN locations. They now account for pausing a movie forever; or for example if you cached a significant part of the file on your TV box. Per default HTTPS connections drop after a certain time of inactivity but especially with streaming devices it happens quite often that connections are needed, but not kept alive automatically. We modified what we could on our end.
Spotty Cloudflare: We are automatically routing all members through the cloudflare CDN or BunnyCDN. They are usually quite reliable and fast option for the majority of our members. However, in some combinations of location, device and ISP they can lack reliability which can be very annoying. If you are not happy with the performance or notice regular problems we recommend one of the alternative servers with optimised configuration on the www.premiumize.me/speedtest (pick anything except cloudflare, bunnycdn or direct).
Sydney CDN is back: Our Australian CDN server in Sydney is finally back! You can now switch back.